Thursday, December 7, 2006

Wee-Wee Poppers

This was the delighted and fearful cry of my 7 year old daughter the other night at a popular Tex-Mex restaurant. I had let her go to the restroom by herself, a big event for me. I have a weird phobia of letting little kids go around corners to bathrooms by themselves in restaurants. I know the odds are slim, but really.....any stupid perv can sneak in and climb onto a toilet seat and wait for his next victim.

Anyway, so I let her go in by herself. My husband and I waited and finished off our margaritas. We waited and waited and still no little missy. Fearful of what she may have encountered in the restroom, I strided over and opened the door.

The first stall was wide open and I could hear her giggling before I could even see her. She stood there, mesmerized and looked up at me. Just as I was about to ream her out for taking so long, she pointed to the toilet and said "look Mommy...a wee wee popper !"

Arghhhhhhhhh....a used tampon floating in the toilet. A floating question bomb it was. "Why ? What are those for ? Those look kind of like what you have in the bathroom cabinet ? Why does it have a string ? " Definitely NOT how I had planned to spend my Saturday night.

In the end, I managed to answer the basic questions without raining on her delight. In her mind, they are like the New Years Eve popper things (you know the ones you where you pull the string and then the pop and confetti comes out ?) Mysterious, maybe kind of fun and something involving some cool trigger action. I tried not to tell her about the pain, the ick factor, the nastiness and hopes and dreams that tide with those wee wee poppers.

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