Friday, December 8, 2006

My favorite patient......

Little Missy is sick. I came home last night to find my husband curled up on the bed with her as she announced " my tummy hurts." After I pushed him out of the way, I stroked her tummy and kissed her head and then held the bucket. She is infinitely a better patient than I am when I am sick to my stomach. I groan, I tread my feet up and down the sheet in a completely futile attempt to stop the inevitable.......gawd how I HATE to throw up. Give me pnuemonia, give me strep throat but do not make me throw up.

Anyway, after she was done she went to sleep. Several times during the night she popped up, leaned over the bed and did her business. No carrying on, no moaning.

I have a delicious day off today and thankfully had nothing planned. It is cold outside, the Christmas tree is up and the pantry is stocked. There is nothing I like better than to lie next to her reading an "A to Z" mystery book or watch Care Bears on the portable DVD player. Crushed ice with gatorade, chicken noodle soup and jello are all on the menu. No one needs to get cleaned up and put on makeup or real clothes today, the dishes can pile up and no errands will be run. I'll be taking care of my favorite patient today.

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