Monday, December 11, 2006

Drug of Choice

I have to admit that I've always been puzzled by nurses who have problems with narcotics. I've never enjoyed feeling drowsy and out of control and hazy of thought. To steal so I could feel that way has just always been a puzzle to me. Not even to mention the problems with job loss, the nursing boards and the whole public shame thing. much as I don't understand that feeling, I DO understand the need to not feel green. Pukey. The need to not feel as if in constant car-sick mode. The need to fight the fist sized mass in your stomach that is threatening to come up.

Therefore, I have to confess that I have a Phenergan drug stash. Not stolen, mind you, but culled from a few years of intermittent day surgeries and bouts with gastritis. Whether for myself, my daughter or my husband, the golden bullets end up in a coveted spot in the fridge door. Against my judgement and my better nursing knowledge, I keep them long past their over due dates. Knowing they are there, ready to plug me into a warm envelope of Phenergan induced sleep and into a land of NO NAUSEA....somehow makes me feel more bulletproof and stronger.

I guess that is all anyone needs to know to let you know how I spent my weekend. I need to start building up a stash of Zofran ODT. But the docs look at you a little suspiciously when you ask for that one by name.

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